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I'll see if i can get my brother to accept a new catagory. I'm installing it. This post goes there, but it's up to him if his posts (past and future) go there too. I'm sure it'll be fine.

You'll find it under
DerbyCar !
/parent, guest cars

So if you've been following, you know. If not, tough.
Start reading for catchup.

anyway, not much here but links. one other pic.

i don't really know what needs done, or which parts Vern would rather do himself. He wants to really be the one doing it, and I'm fine with taking directions.
He left me with a rule sheet. I figured all the shattery sharp stuff at least needs gone, so i removed what i would call the "header panel". The bumper cover which once was attached is gone. Too bad. It makes it worth more selling.
So this thing is basically fiberglass, glass, plastic, and sharp metal. it needs gone. wanna buy it?

meZmorize deer! venISson for all!

and here would be the promised links, if i can figure out HTML. i'll edit this a few times. check back if it dont work.
ah'm midwestirn. git ov'r et! fer gosh sikes!

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