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rainy day. t-bird revisited

i forgot to post this pic the last time. No news is good news :)

The highlighted parts were a bit of swiss cheese, and the 'H' connector actually separated from the right side when I disconnected the pipe(s) from the car. Eventually, this should be replaced, but until then...

The metal was thin, but i managed to patch up the center by eliminating the 'H' junction, and packed the right side gasket area with "muffler mender". A couple sleeves to reconnect it where i had to cut it off the welded mufflers, and the car was relatively quiet... er.
Jason got it back several days ago and i haven't heard bad news, so hopefully it took. The pipe is thin, and the motor-mounts are bad which further stresses the exhaust, but it seemed to do OK while Sean drove it around for me.

I asked Jason to drive it around for a while before having it aligned to make sure the control arm/frame fix i did would take. Plus it needs new tires and has a 1" left lean in height.
The sliding upper arms are a bad design by Ford IMO. If it starts sliding again we will have to re-engineer it with Pontiac style shimmms ;) I got it to drive relatively straight, and checked the toe-in to spec with Sean's trammel bar.

Hope I can replace those mounts soon for the engine, and maybe some other stuff. Jason really ought to drive this beast. It's a nice car. It's probably difficult to tear himself away from the "GTO" though, plus the ol' bird eats fuel, unlike my 6cybird;).